"The vision of Light is preceded by the austere repentance that cleanses us from the passions. This is an exceedingly painful battle but sweet to heart and mind is the vision of Light. This Light is love of a quite especial kind, the blessedness of which may increase so long as one's strength can bear the heavenly flame.
This Light, which 'cometh down from the Father of lights' [James 1:17], regenerates and even re-creates us. This is a radical change in the focus of our attention - before, it was centered on the material and temporary. Grace causes it to turn inwards and thence rise to the spiritual sphere of the 'unseen and eternal' [cf. II Cor. 4:18]. Temporal things that earlier seemed important, maybe of great moment, our spirit now finds insignificant. Riches, power, fame and the like lose their attraction. Even science, which does not bring us really vital knowledge - knowledge of God - like philosophical speculation, which is not life in the true sense, ceases to have anything but transitory value"
-from We Shall See Him as He is by Archimandrite Sophrony pg. 168
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